To the Gathre Dads

To the Gathre Dads

Pillow fort architects. Backyard treasure hunters. Big hairy monsters. Dads in our Gathre community take on many make-believe roles, but one thing they’ll always be are the biggest joy-makers around. To celebrate Father’s Day, we want to thank our own husbands, dads, and kids’ grandfathers — our guiding lights
Gathre's Meaning

Gathre's Meaning

It’s hard to believe it’s been NINE years since we had the spark of an idea that would become the Gathre we know and love today. As busy, overwhelmed, new moms and close friends, we bonded over the spills, tears, and stresses of raising our newborns while trying to maintain our sanity, our identities and our appreciation for the beauty in all of the mess. 

Kid standing on Gathre Playmat

Picking the right Playmat

As parents, we’re constantly looking for ways to encourage our kids’ imaginations — and even better, keep them engaged in independent play. Gathre Play Mats, depicting whimsical towns and roadways from a bird’s eye view, are designed to bring adventure right to you. Let's explore each size and the perks that come with them!
A Closer Look at Posters

A Closer Look at Posters

Our collection of posters holds a special place in our hearts — for their artistry, charm, and versatility in so many types of spaces. Made in collaboration with talented illustrators...
A Guide to Gathre Play 

A Guide to Gathre Play 

Looking for some fun? You’ve come to the right place. We believe in letting kids be kids — which often happens when we simply give them the space and freedom...
Quilted Mats 101

Quilted Mats 101

Somewhere between our regular and padded mats — these blend extra cushion with convenience to make them just right. Essentially, they’re the goldilocks of cushioned mats. But we get it....
All About Animal Alphabet + Menagerie

All About Animal Alphabet + Menagerie

Better than your wildest dreams… We’ve got two prints that delight little animal lovers — and their parents, as well. Yes, we’re talking about Menagerie + Animal Alphabet. These best sellers have been around for a few years now, but we wanted to take a moment to really spotlight them! Come along for the adventure…
Gathre Essentials for Embracing Summer

Gathre Essentials for Embracing Summer

Summer is finally here, and oh boy, are we ready to bask in some rays and take advantage of long summer days! If you’re with us, grab those sun hats and leather mats — we’ve got lots of handy uses for Gathre products to keep in mind as you head outside.
Your Guide to the Padded Mat

Your Guide to the Padded Mat

Whether your little one is on the move or not quite mobile yet, having a comfy place for diaper changing, tummy time or learning to crawl is a must. Our Padded Mats deliver the extra cushion these sweet moments need, while still offering the ease of portability and cleaning for inevitable spills and spit ups. Featuring a memory foam core, wipeable leather cover and available in a range of sizes to fit whatever space you need, it’s a game-changer for every room in the house.
Mat Uses Throughout Childhood

Mat Uses Throughout Childhood

As a brand committed to creating high-quality, stylish, and functional products for families, we believe that our Mats are an essential tool for every parent. From infancy to childhood, they can be used for all sorts of daily doings, making them a worthy investment. 
3 Reasons to Love Gathre Products

3 Reasons to Love Gathre Products

At Gathre, we create beautiful and functional products that are designed to make your life easier. With trusted materials, simple construction, and aesthetically appealing colorways, our line of products have...
Must-Haves for New Moms 

Must-Haves for New Moms 

Becoming a new mom is quite an adventure. At once beautiful and crazy; exciting and stressful… You may feel overly prepared — or find yourself last-minute ordering (yet another) mom...