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As we're coming up on 8 years of business, we thought it was time to take a look at our product warranty. We've combed through our business policies and goals, and it is with delight that we introduce to you a refreshed Gathre Guarantee.
Spring comes with a hunger for light, warmth, and that deep exhale after holding your breath through a long winter. As the frost begins to fade, we look to this new season with a renewed imagination for the growing that happens in our homes every single day. The little moments that leave such a lasting impression. The smells, the scenes, the watching, the learning, the listening, the smiles. It's silent, lovely, and when we look back, it’s everything that truly matters.
Spring is nature's sweet reminder. That blooming, becoming, flourishing, thriving—it’s all part of the plan. Every year the frost fades. So today, we’ll gladly sow the seeds; dig our hands into the ground; and get ready to watch it all grow. This new collection is inspired by that belief. That each moment we tend to will take root and turn into something beautiful. However slow, however quiet. In due time, we’ll revel in the discovery—it was worth the wait.
Let us guess — it’s a season of transition for you and your growing family. Bringing home a little one often means sharing your own room with someone new. Pair...
You've seen the beautiful Bassinet and are wanting to know more. Today's your lucky day. We're taking on a few of your most common questions and answering how this collaboration...
Inside, the place to be! We believe it’s possible to bring the fun of the outdoors into your home. It just takes a bit of creativity to unlock that same...
As moms with eight kids between us, we fully understand the ups and downs of the first year of motherhood. It seems that just when you think you’re getting the hang of it, your baby reaches a new milestone and you’re scrambling to adjust to that new normal.
Nothing makes you notice hard floors, sharp edges, and stainable surfaces quite like having kiddos. From diaper changes to playtime adventures, you need a spot to land that's equal parts comfy, practical, and stylish.
Whether you’ve been with us for years and years or consider yourself new around here — let’s reintroduce you to Gathre’s bread and butter: our leather mats. From the start,...
This Giving Tuesday we're sharing a two part story that is close to our hearts. PART 1 Several years ago Marilee's son, Abram had a bone marrow transplant that...
It's our birthday and we'll party cause we want to! Another trip around the sun has flown by for our small business and team. The past 365 have been some of the most challenging we've faced tbh, so we find ourselves approaching this milestone with appreciative hearts and tender souls.
There’s a shift in the air, can you feel it? Fall is upon us, and with it comes a time-honored tradition that transcends the mere act of dining — it's the gathering around the table, where connections and time together are harvested.