#GathreGood with Kelly Jensen

#GathreGood with Kelly Jensen

Next up in our #GathreTheGood series, we can't wait to introduce you all to Kelly Jensen. Her bright light needs to be shared. Kelly is a walking ad for classy, poised mothering. She rocks having five kids with ease and makes you want to consider having five kids of your own, at least for a couple of minutes:). As long as we have known her, Kelly has been positive energy to so many. Follow her along on Instagram at @kellyejensen to get some more of her in your life. This feature is a simple way to read some of the goodness she has to spread around. We're sure you're going to find a little nugget of wisdom to help you. Enjoy and thanks Kelly!

You have created such a great sense of community on Instagram and that's something we could all use in various spheres. Do you mind sharing how you've created that? 

It really is such wonderful community on Instagram.  And to tell you the truth it has come as a surprise to me…  My Instagram page has always been a family scrapbook for us.  A place to document and write to my children.  I make the pages into books of things that Id like them to remember and know about our lives, the way I feel about them and how much I believe in them.   I also write about things Ive learned and want pass on to them- happy things, grateful things… it really is for them, but as it's grown I guess what it tells me is that there are many of us out there in the same boat.  And that there is such a strength we can find in each other.  I'm putting positive, heartfelt things out there and I'm realizing there is a need for that. There is something very comforting and inspiring in a community of like minded women, Just trying to do the best we can to love, hope and live intentionally and to lift each other in the process.  I feel really grateful to be a part of it. 

What does a normal day in your shoes look like? 

Well I have 5 little kids ranging in age from 1-10 so everyday looks a little different, but its always full!  My husband and i work- (him outside the home, me mostly from home) so that keeps us on our toes as well.  We wake up early or stay up late to work out and have a standing date night once a week that I feel has been a very good thing for our whole family- for my kids to see and for my husband and I to work for.    The kids wake up around 7:30 and we go about our responsibilities- school, chores, life- but aways make time for something we love everyday.  Sometimes that doesn’t fall in line with what we are supposed to be doing- but once in a while I think its good to teach our kids what is REALLY important and to learn to prioritize as such...   Its our attempt at trying to teach our kids to be happy and grateful for what they have and to figure out where their responsibilities lie in our family and in the world.. Then every night we gather for prayer and our family cheer, which we’ve been adding onto for 6 years now.  

We all have gifts. You have a gift to gather ______ ? What would that be?

Hmmm, this was difficult question for me.  I think my answer would be happy moments.  My mother raised me to ‘not sweat the small stuff’.  This has allowed me to let go of the things that don’t really matter and live in the moment.  brave, crazy, happy, funny, messy…  All something to be so grateful for.  It doesn't have to be perfect-- who deems what perfect is anyway?!  Just that we have those moments with the ones we love is quite an amazing gift.  I believe in being really in tune to your own families beliefs, heart and intention- not what others may think you should be doing or  being.  I think thats when you find what really makes you happy.  No matter if its a quiet moment or a crazy one, if its yours you can find the gratitude for it.

What do you wish to be remembered by? 

I guess I hope to be remembered for my fierce love for my family, for God and for Life.  I hope I am kind and honest and treat people in a way that supports and lifts them.  

You do it so effortlessly, any advice you'd have for balancing work and home life?

 Its always a matter of balance, isn’t it?  and the triuth is somedays you are going to be perfectly balanced and somedays the scale is going to tip and stay firmly on one heavy side.  I don’t think that is so bad…  For me the best advice I can give to anyone in that area is to write your priorities down… list them out and realize that every moment is a choice.  There are most definitely things that are more important than others so put yourself in a position to choose those most important things every moment you can.  Then when you cannot choose those most important things, understand and be ok with doing what you must do because ultimately those things provide a better life for your family as well. I don’t see it as a bad thing for our children to see that there is a big world of responsibility and life out there-  and that you are an important part of.  I think it is good for children to support their parents in their dreams and see how much thier love and support matters to us as well.  I think the balance can feel right when we are intentional with our sacrifices and when those sacrifices fall in line with our priorities.  

What could you gather and gather and gather and still never have enough of?

Love and hope.  Its so simple but more powerful than anything else.  

What is something you know now that you wish you had known earlier in life?

You know that saying “All you need is love.”  I think its that.  Love cures most things.  Whether you are giving it to your children, a stranger or yourself it can change a world in an instant.  I think I wish I would have realized how powerful unconditional love is… I have seen it produce miracles in my life and others.  I think love goes hand in hand with hope, faith, and belief.  Hard to control and not always easy to give- but those are the times when its most powerful.  I think the earlier I could have understood that the better. 

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