In Love with Love

In Love with Love
Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion to throw a party. Both those who do and those who don’t have a Valentine of their own appreciate the good vibes that come from celebrating friendship, loyalty, inclusion, and affection. This is a day to make all the loves of your life feel seen and valued.

So — have a party. You don’t need crystal and roses. In fact, your party will be more of a success to the souls of your guests if you keep it casual/chic, because love-you-as-you-are acceptance is the order of this day.

Gathre’s got everything you need to make this party sing (a warbly love song). Scallop Table Runners + Placemats, Buntings, and Heart Pillows in hues of Currant, Paloma + Woodrose mean all you need to think about is the food.

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Pretty + simple work so well for a day like this. Cupcakes? Sugar cookies? Waffles with strawberries + whipped cream? Brie + crackers? Heart-shaped pizza? FONDUE. There’s no need to knock yourself out. A few lovely nibbles, a bubbly drink, and good conversation are all that’s required.

Valentine's Day

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Fondue is an event. Place Heart Pillows or Mini Floor Cushions around the coffee table, and dip and dish the night away. (Bonus: spilled cheese and/or chocolate wipe right off.)

Be sure to go around the group and say Three Things you love about each person, because no matter how you’ve decorated or what you’ve served, it’s LOVE that’s the good stuff. It’s love that’s lasting.

Love on your loves. Hug them. Listen. Look them in the eyes. Everyday. Don’t forget! And, every February 14, make it cute and sweet, too. Celebrate the love you have between you. It matters.

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