We spend every day thinking about how to make space for worthwhile moments — how to make every day with the people we love easy, beautiful, and special.
But today, we’re reminded that one of the most worthwhile pursuits we can think of (and perhaps most important for enjoying time with our loved ones) is keeping the great outdoors…well, great. The earth is our home — it’s up to us to keep it the haven it’s meant to be, a place for future generations to explore, play, and grow.
So consider this our Earth Day ode to nature, a celebration of the things that nourish our bodies and souls: fresh air, clear skies, green grass, and everything vibrant and growing. To mark the occasion, we’ve pulled together a few tips on how to make every day Earth Day.
Get Outside
Looking to embrace your inner flower child? We’ve rounded up a few of our favorite activities to help you take a break from your screens and get your hands dirty (and they’re kid-friendly, too!).
Outdoor Earth Day Activities
- Plant Something. Whether you’re working with a windowsill or a whole backyard, get back to your roots (literally) by planting a few seeds or spending some time in the garden. Consider choosing pollinator-friendly, ocean-friendly, and native species — and you can keep things tidy by storing all of your tools in our Caddy.
- Plan a Picnic. What better way to get back to nature than by planting yourself in the middle of it? Grab one of our bestselling Mats, pack some snacks, call up a few friends, and hit the park.
- Explore Your Wild Side. Nothing inspires a love of nature quite like a visit to the zoo or local animal sanctuary. Find a spot nearby and bring the kids for a jam-packed day (and when you get home, reinforce everything they learned with our Menagerie print).
- Keep Things Clean. We all know littering is a no-no (carry out whatever you carry in), but why not bring a bag on your next walk and pick up any trash you pass? Or go a step further, and try hosting your own beach cleanup!
- Hit the Trails. Take a hike — literally. Whether you live right next door to a great park or you have to make a bit of a trek, try and find some time to get outside, breathe deep, and soak it all in (and don’t forget to pack some snacks).
Keep the Good Vibes Rolling
Getting outside and having fun is important — but so is deciding to make intentional, sustainable changes in your daily life. Everything we do adds up, which is why we’ve pulled together a few ideas for how to keep things green.
- Cut back on waste by replacing your single-use plastics with reusables; when you can’t, focus on finding 100% recyclable options instead.
- Monitor your thermostat and invest in good windows and blinds to help limit excess resources being used to heat or cool your home.
- Limit the times you travel by car and plane when possible, and opt for bikes or public transportation instead to cut back on fuel-related emissions.
- Eat locally, cut back on meat, or go big and try growing your very own food (the effort alone is sure to make it taste amazing).
- Admire the land, but don’t disturb it — leave shells, rocks, leaves, and other pieces of nature where you find them.
At the end of the day, the important thing is to find something that speaks to you and fits naturally into your life. For us, that means spending time with our family outside — and creating intentionally-designed and responsibly-made products from vegan, toxin-free materials. What does it mean for you?
Whatever you do and however you do it, just remember to spend a little time today appreciating this place we all call home.