We’ve been dying to introduce our podcast Gathre The Good. For years now we have interviewed women who are doing good in the world an effort to learn from them, as if they were sitting down to lunch with us. This series, Gathre The Good, is getting a fresh revamp into podcast form so you can hear these women speak their truths.


First up is Merrilee Liddiard of Mermag blog. She’s is a distinguished artist who hand illustrated our world map we released two weeks ago. We are impressed with Merrilee in every regard. Thanks for joining us today.


(Disclaimer): This is our first time recording a podcast. It isn’t perfect. There are plenty of umms, likes, and even a few motorcycles driving by our office but we aren’t gonna let that stop us. Hoping these imperfections endear is to you and we promise we’re figuring it out as we go.