Aimee Kirk is a homesteader, which means she, her husband, and her two kids live on a 6-acre apple orchard in a home they built from the ground up. Their long-term dream is to live completely off their land.

Aimee documents this beautiful journey at her blog @thehomegrownapple, but we were lucky enough to chat with her about what our SS19 of "Finding Center" means to her.

G: What was the primary motivation behind pursuing a homesteading lifestyle?

AK: When my husband and I got married we quickly knew what we wanted our life to look like. We knew we wanted to have kids and we wanted them to grow up on some land they could stretch out and get dirty on. We wanted them to have a childhood that we didn’t have -- one rich in work, farm, family, land, and slow memories.

G: What has been your biggest challenge? Biggest reward?

AK: We have faced some challenges, the main ones being time and money, of course. All the little things like building a garden and fence and chicken coop - everything adds up, so this year we’re working on finding cost effective solutions that are also beautiful.

While we aren’t quite where we want to be yet, we are on the way! We bought our little 6 acre land and built a small house 2 years ago. We’re loving all the open space and the kids are outside playing and exploring daily rain or shine.


G: As a homeschool Mom, why was it important for you to have home be the center of your children's education?

Raising kids can get busy quick and that is what we didn’t want. I love that we can incorporate everyday home into our school day. From making breakfast together, to doing chores and snuggling on the couch, to reading and singing together; this little home has become a haven to us. A place of learning and rest that I wouldn’t change for the world.

G: How would you define "being centered?"

AK: For me, it’s knowing that I’m a child of God, saved by his grace, and that this grace covers all my imperfections and shortcomings. Centering my thoughts on this throughout the day keeps me steady and grounded, and helps me focus on the big picture of raising my kids in the things that are most important to us.


G: Why does being centered matter to you?

Keeping centered and grounded is so important so I can be filled up and then be able to pour out into my family. I have to be purposeful to make it happen.

Usually this means waking up early to make some coffee, read and pray in a quiet space in the house before the kids wake up. Keeping my eyes on Jesus throughout the day and just remembering the reason behind all I do. Even in the little things, remembering our vision for our family and for living simply.

The mats pictured in Aimee's post are Heron and Fog, from our Spring Summer 2019 collection.