DIY Directions:
Supplies (we got ours at JoAnn):
- sweatshirt of your choice (ours is old navy - v cute)
- embroidery floss
- embroidery hoop
- scissors
- tape
- needle
Step 1
Prep your sweatshirt by taping your word on where you want it placed. Make sure it's straight.
Step 2
Place the smaller embroidery hoop beneath the fabric and the larger hoop on top, as you make the fabric taut. Tighten the top hoop.
Step 3
Mark off with tape where you want the embroidery to go, so you can make sure it's straight and you don't get crazy with the width!
Step 4
Double knot your thread and start from behind, and sew one stitch.
Step 5
When a thread is in the back, poke the needle one stitch forward from where your last stick is (see photo), then fill in the gap backwards and thread a stitch right above the last one you did. Repeat until you finish your word.
Step 6
Find a stitch on the back and, creating a knot with your current line of thread, finish it off!
Step 7
WEAR IT WITH CONFIDENCE (and maybe a little spit-up). Haha.