Hey Friends. Happy fast-approaching Mother’s Day! It's is a loooaded day, with emotions all across the board. We worry if we’re doing anything right, if we are doing enough, or if all the work is noticed. Sometimes it feels like the house will never be clean again, we’re always late, and it’s Chikfila for dinner, again. Surely you know what we’re talking about.
In the thick of it, we often forget that perfection isn’t real, and little squares on an app aren’t helping with that. Of course we’re chasing excellence as much as the preschool pickup chauffeur in the next lane over, but this month we’re taking off the rose colored glasses to celebrate moms in their true nature: as authentic women who generate so much good even with their shortcomings. Value can come from our worries, inadequacies can be turned around, and the moments between the madness are where we find the magic. The early morning snuggles, an extra hour at the park, a note in their bag — it’s the little things.

Mothers epitomize selflessness, creating space for another’s needs sometimes at great costs of your own. You do that, without fanfare or much glory. For all mothers, this holiday we hope to better give merit to those little things. With grace for times past, compassion for this moment, and hope for tomorrow, our Mother’s Day can be a brighter spot to honor and acknowledge just how much good begins with mother. Happy Mother’s Day from us to you.
Mare + Jess
Without further ado, we're eager to share with you our campaign video for you to see what this new collection looks like, and what we hope it feels like, too.