What are your signs of spring? Not the budding blooms, but what quickens within you. As we enter a new season and see it all in a new light, it’s easy to start an ever-growing list of things to do, update, resume. In trying to leap from here to there, we miss all that good stuff in between — all the beauty of becoming.
See, the next moment is never more important than the one you’re in now. When you look too far ahead, you forget what’s right in front of you. What a shame that’d be, with those budding blooms and all. So when your list starts getting long, remember — some paths won’t be discovered without first getting a bit lost. And the beauty of becoming is that no matter which direction you take, it always leads right to where you should be.
Our hope for this season is a simple one: to find joy in the journey. Embrace the mess, the do-overs, and the not-quite-there-yets. When we fall a little short, we’re just nudged onto a new path — one that, if nourished, will always have beauty and the best of company along the way.